Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Through my eyes: Bigstuf & Lake Aurora

Hey guys! I have had a FULL couple of weeks! This week is probably the first full week I have been home since my summer began. Today’s blog is going to be all about Bigstuf and camp at Lake Aurora!
So my first summer adventure I went on was Bigstuf! Bigstuf (if you don’t know and haven’t read any of my blogs before..) is a Christian  conference that is held in Daytona and Panama City for High School and Middle School students. Youth Groups from all over the country come to worship with the best of the best and listen to some of the most sought out speakers in America. This year was the 25th Anniversary of Bigstuf!
This year’s theme for Bigstuf was Reality. We learned many things from various speakers. Jon Marc Comer was a preacher from Portland who talked about being followers of God and how to face reality with our faith. Jon Acuff, who is the blogger (like me!) of Stuff Christians Like, talked about our voice of fear. Bob Goff, the author of the book Love Does, talked about how your dreams can become a reality. He told a story about how he asked his kids a question. “What would you do if you had one minute with a world leader.” One of his kids says “Invite him to a slumber party!” I don’t know about you, but a slumber party sounds ridiculous. Bob goes on and he talks about how they mailed every single world leader on this earth and they end up getting 29 yeses to go to the slumber party. Bob and his kids travel around the world meeting all these world leaders and how his kids interviewed every single world leader. At the end of each interview, his kids would give the world leader the key to their house. The whole time I was thinking “This dude is nuts! He is craaaaaazy!” But Bob Goff had some pretty cool stories.                                      
Now the worship was pretty amazing. Phil Wickham was the worship leader again this year. We got to have Rend Collective lead worship, David Crowder was there (And I didn’t know he was as southern as he actually is…he is pretty southern.) and he was awesome!!
Ok, the Skit Guys were hilarious. Let me tell you, I haven’t laughed so hard in my life…they do half improv, half script. I would look them up if I were you. On YouTube. Right now. The two skits I recommend you watching is Little Billy: Zaccheaus and Hurting Help Line. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I promise you will not be wasting your time.
One person is planning on giving their life to Christ, and I know I have said it a million times, but my good friend and fellow writer Bryce Buckland is doing that in a few months. So yay! Thank you Phil Wickham…your singing did the trick.  
Ok! So the Sunday after Bigstuf (So like 2 days..) I went to go Transform my self at Lake Aurora. I have gone for 7 years and every year, I always make new friends and learn new things. This year, we learned about sin, mercy, service, and sacrifice. It was a good week and even though I am not really a minimalist, I can survive. It’s a good camp, so if you don’t go, your missing out! That’s all for now!
And I am serious about the Skit Guys thing. You will be hooked.

Through My Eyes….Bigstuf and Lake Aurora are the places to be this summer and all the summers for the rest of my life (well….until I age out any ways..) 


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