Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why serving in the church is so important?

Why serving in the church is so important?
Because there’s so much to do, we need all the help we can get!  There is such a great need in our world; we are surrounded by lost people.  Even our own members could easily fall away if not given opportunities for growth and fellowship.  The more volunteers we have, the more services we can offer.  Our church is blessed with visionary leaders.  They are always thinking of amazing opportunities we can use to bring people to a closer walk with the Lord.  But for everything we do, we need people to help, people to participate, people to be involved.  There is something everyone can do, from our youngest members to our oldest.  There are so many things, that everyone can find something that is within their physical limitations and time constrains.  You may not know what you can do to help, but there are people who do know.  Let any of the staff members, elders or deacons know you are willing, and they can work with you to find something that you’d enjoy doing.
 Often when you start an exercise regimen it’s difficult to get in the habit of working out, you’re too tired, too busy.  But once you establish a routine, exercise actually gives you energy.  That’s how it is with work in the church.  When you serve others, you generally get more out of it than the ones they’re serving.  The more you do, the more you grow, and the more you grow, the more you want to do.  So, get off the bench and into the game.

Dawn Tuccillo

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