Thursday, May 17, 2012

The New Guy in Town (Installment 1)

Most years, NBCC is privileged to host a ministry intern during the summer.  What is a “ministry intern?”  A ministry intern is a young man (or woman, I suppose) who is currently in Bible college and pursuing a ministry degree.  Thus far, we have hosted all young men learning for preaching ministry.  The interns come and learn about church work, church leadership, teaching, preaching, hospital visitation, jobs in the church, etc.  They are temporary employees of the church who learn the craft of being a minister.  

Christian Education Minister

The New Guy in Town

My name is Kristian Beasley. I am the new intern for New Beginnings Christian Church. I am excited to be here, and I can tell right off the bat this is a great place to belong. From talking with Troy, it is apparent that this church wants to be Christ to the community. With such outreach ministries like the food pantry, letting the Girl Scouts use the facilities, opening up the gym for basketball, and the drive-in Sunday service, it is evident that this church is being light to a dark world. 
During this internship, I will blog each week and give updates to what it’s like here at NBCC day to day. Each blog will contain my thoughts and ideas on the things, events, people, and places throughout the internship. 
In order to grasp a better sense of where I am coming from, you might need to know where I actually come from. I hail from the great state of Florida. Born in Tampa General Hospital, I have lived in Florida most of my life. I come from strong Christian roots and have a loving Christian family to back me up. Currently, I am working on my bachelor’s degree from Johnson University (Johnson Bible College). God has always been in my life, and I have no greater love than the love for my Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ. I tell my girlfriend that “Jesus is my one and only true love.” I am sorry, but no one holds a candle to Him. 
Some things I want from this internship would be that I want to draw closer to God. Second, I want to learn ministry, the ins and outs, the good and the bad. I am a sponge that wants to soak up all the waters, minerals and get all the nutrients out of it I can. Third, I need this internship in order to graduate; it is a requirement for my degree. Last of all, I want to give back to the church. During my stay here, I am given and taking away so much from it, I just hope that I am able to give whatever I can back into NBCC and its members. 
Already, Troy has me working on projects that will better prepare me for ministry, such as reading books on preaching, going out to meet with people and letting me preach by myself. I can tell that some of these projects will not be easy and some of them seem overwhelming, but through the grace of God, I know that Jesus will get me through and be with me every step of the way. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. 

Ministry Intern

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